Islamic Association of Taiwan
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Text Box: 清真寺 
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Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會  版權所有

Text Box: 社會服務 
Social Service
Text Box: 背景相片2009年攝於敘利亞歐瑪雅清真寺
Background picture taken in Umayyad Mosque, Syria, 2009
Text Box: Q1: Taraweeh is normally prayed 8/12/20 rakâāts. Which one is Sunnah? Do we need to take a break in between and for how long? If we go to Masjid without praying Isha and arrive when others are praying Taraweeh, what should we do?
       特拉威爾拜一般是以 8/ 12 /20 為規律, 哪一種才是聖行?中間是否需要休息、 間隔多少可以休息?  如果沒有禮宵禮而直接去清真寺時大家已在禮特拉威爾拜,應該怎麼做?
Rounded Rectangle: 崇拜Worship
Text Box: 教義問答
Text Box: Q2: Is there certain rule regarding worshipping in Laylat al-Qadr?
Text Box: Q3: Some people say that one who has just converted into Islam is not only forgiven of all his past sins but all his bad deeds in the past are recorded as good deeds according to Quran 25:70, “Except those who repent and come to believe and do the right, for whom God will turn evil into goodness, for God is forgiving and kind.” How true is it?