Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會 版權所有 |
Chinese Regional Bishops' Conference of Taiwan 天主教會臺灣地區主教團 |
與在桃園機場的阿布達比大學教授穆罕默德赫巴敘博士視訊會談Having an online meeting with ADU professor Dr. Mohamad Habash who was still at Taoyuan Airport. |
與在桃園機場的英國穆赫丁艾加比教長視訊會談Having an online meeting with UK Imam Mohhedin Aljabi who was still at Taoyuan Airport. |
輔仁大學天主教學術研究院司馬忠院長 Dr. John SELVAMANI Dean, Fu Jen Academia Catholica, Fu Jen University. |
由左至右:劉君浩秘書、楊大錡理事、馬興德理事長、歐馬副理事長、林鼎之神父、鄭印君副院長、顧孝永博士。Left to right: Secretary Liu Chun Hao, Director Omar Yang, Chairman Ibrahim Ma, Vice-Chairman Omar Ayash, Chaplain Rev. Raphael Ling, Associate Dean Yin-chun Cheng, Asst. Professor Piotr Adamek. |
輔仁大學宗教學系助理教授顧孝永博士Asst. Professor Piotr Adamek, Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen UNIVERSITY |
致贈天主教輔仁大學校牧林鼎之神父宗教友誼水晶座 Giving a crystal shield as token of religious friendship to Rev. Raphael Ling, Fu Jen University Chaplain. |