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2023 台灣伊斯蘭協會暨人類博愛研究中心台灣跨宗教交流(2023年4月27日至5月2日) 2023 Islamic Association of Taiwan & Human Fraternity Studies Center Interfaith Initiative in Taiwan (April 27-May 2, 2023) 近二十餘年,從九一一事件、伊斯蘭國、阿富汗塔立班至去年伊朗頭巾事件,伊斯蘭教時常佔據國際媒體負面新聞,間接造成全球逾十六億穆斯林承受生活與心理極大壓力,過去幾年,台灣亦發生數起台大批踢踢網站惡意醜化伊斯蘭教與穆斯林之網路霸凌事件,讓原本就身為極少數族群的台灣穆斯林社群,承受更多心理壓力。 In the past twenty years, from 911, ISIS, Taliban Afghanistan, to the Hijab issue in Iran, the religion of Islam has been taking certain space on international media in the form of negative news, which has little or more caused big pressures to over 1.6 billion of Muslims in their lives and minds around the world. In the past few years, some incidents of cyberbullying also happened in NTU PTT platform in Taiwan, which humiliated Islam and Muslims in very ugly ways. The population of Muslims in Taiwan is small compared to other religions, so the pressure they have been gone through is even bigger. 阿拉伯聯合大公國之人類博愛研究中心長年向世人彰顯伊斯蘭溫和教義與人類和平共處之精神,期盼扭轉全球主流意識將伊斯蘭與恐怖主義畫上等號之現象。本次應邀來台之中心主席穆罕默德赫巴敘博士,同時也是2023年世界和平聯盟於韓國首爾舉行之和平高峰會之伊斯蘭代表。 Human Fraternity Studies Center (HFSC) in UAE has been dedicated itself to promote the moderate doctrines of Islam and the spirit of peaceful co-existence between human beings, with the expectation that the global mainstream concept of Islam as being equal to terrorism could be reversed. Our VIP guest, HFSC chairman Dr. Mohamad Habash, is also the delegate of Islam in Peace Summit 2023 held by Universal Peace Federation in Seoul, Korea. 台灣伊斯蘭協會為化解台灣民眾對伊斯蘭的誤解,邀請人類博愛研究中心國際知名學者專家來台交流,盼能為伊斯蘭教與台灣代表性之宗教開啟交流,同時向台灣政府及學術單位傳遞伊斯蘭愛好和平且樂於對話的訊息。 Islamic Association of Taiwan aims at correcting the fallacies generally existing and the misunderstandings about Islam in Taiwan. It invites some worldly well-known scholars and experts of Human Fraternity Studies Center to Taiwan with the hope that we could initiate dialogues and interchanges with some representative religions in Taiwan while conveying the message to Taiwan government as well as academic units that Islam is in favor of peace and willing to have more communications. 本次跨宗教交流分為拜會台灣宗教團體和跨宗教國際交流講座二大任務。 This interfaith initiative has two main tasks: Visiting Taiwan Religious Groups and International Interfaith Seminar. |