Text Box: Islamic Association of Taiwan
Text Box: 首  頁
Text Box: 關於我們 
About Us
Text Box: 課 程 活 動
Text Box: 清真專區 
Halal Zone
Text Box: 清真寺 
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Text Box: 聯絡我們 
Contact Us

Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會  版權所有

Text Box: 社會服務 
Social Service
Text Box: Q1: Is it a must for an Islamic marriage to be effective with an Imam and two witnesses?   
      Can a marriage only registered in the government be accepted by Islam?
       伊斯蘭婚姻一定要有教長與兩個證人才算合法嗎? 只有官方登記算不算? 
Text Box: 教義問答
Text Box: Q2: Is a marriage that did not go through Islamic procedure haram? 
       Can the children of this marriage get legacy according to Islamic law?
        沒有透過伊斯蘭公證程序的婚姻,是否婚姻就為不合法? 那麼生下來的小孩,可以依照伊斯蘭的法令得到財產嗎? 
Text Box: 婚姻 Marriage