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公告日期2017年7月6日 Announced on July 6, 2017.
內政部戶政司國民身分證相片規格第十二條: Department of Household Registration MOI Regulations for ID Photos Article 12: 十二、因宗教因素須戴頭巾者,相片人貌之五官從下巴的底部至額頭的頂端及臉的兩側輪廓,必須清楚呈現。 12. One who has to wear headscarf due to religious reason should have her face clearly shown from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead along with the outline of both sides of the face.
外交部領事事務局護照照片規格第十條: Bureau of Consular Affairs MOFA Regulations for Passport Photos Article 10: 十、因宗教因素需戴頭巾者,相片人貌的五官從下巴底部至額頭頂端及臉部兩側輪廓,必須清楚呈現。 10. One who has to wear headscarf due to religious reason should have her face clearly shown from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead along with the outline of both sides of the face.