Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會 版權所有 |
公告日期2016年6月25日 Announced on June 25, 2016. 本會於5月30日行文至教育部,請加強中小學教師對伊斯蘭宗教之認識,勿於課堂發表歧視穆斯林言論。 IAT has sent an official letter to Ministry of Education, asking them to increase the knowledge of teachers in elementary schools and high schools about Islam, so they will not have so many discriminative statements about Islam and Muslim in their classes.
本會於6月24日收到教育部回函,會請課程發展中心將本會訴請列入中小學課程發展研議。 IAT has received an official letter from MOE on June 24. They have forwarded our letter to the center of curriculum development for elementary schools and high schools for reference. |