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公告日期2016年6月7日 Announced on June 7, 2016.
本會於5月30日行文至農委會,關於台灣穆斯林屠夫反應,於屠宰場依政府規定使用電擊致昏後,百分之九十以上之畜禽於宰殺前已死亡,故不得為穆斯林宰殺食用,盼能根據行政院農委會「畜禽人道屠宰準則」第十條規定:「畜禽未經人道致昏前,不得放血。但有下列因素之一者,不在此限:一、宗教。二、特殊民俗。三、其他經中央主管機關認定之事由。」第一點之規定,發函台灣各屠宰場允許穆斯林屠夫無須於屠宰前使用電擊 。 IAT sent an official letter to Council of Agriculture on May 30 regarding slaughtering with electric shock in slaughter houses in Taiwan. According to the experience of the butchers, 90% of the animals were dead after electric shock before slaughtering, so the meat is not halal for Muslims. So we hope the council can allow Muslim butchers in Taiwan not to apply electric shock before slaughtering according to the 10th article of the Measurement of Humane Slaughter that there can exception when there is religious reason. 本會於6月6日收到農委會來函告知,根據科學角度,人道致昏後動物所呈現之反應容易與死亡混淆,若宰殺前已死亡將致放血不完全而影響品質與賣相,研判畜禽死亡後再放血之可能性低。 IAT received an official letter on June 6 saying that according to scientific viewpoint, the physical state of animals after electric shock is similar to death. If the animals are dead before slaughtering, the blood will not be totally released, which will influence the quality and the look of the meat. So it is almost impossible that the animals are dead before slaughtering. 本會於今日致電農委會承辦人員,該員表示除非有獸醫或其他專業人員提出科學證據證明人道致昏確實導致畜禽於宰殺前死亡,否則無法允許不使用人道致昏。而目前台灣唯一准許不採人道致昏者,為宰殺神豬之習俗,其它概無先例。 The secretariat of IAT called the council today. The lady in charge said unless there is scientific evidence proving that the electric shock does cause death to the animals; otherwise, they cannot allow slaughter house not to use electric shock before slaughtering. The only exception according to the 10th article of the Measurement is the tradition of slaughtering holy pig in Taiwan. |