Conducted in English with Chinese Consecutive Interpreting. 英 文 講 解 中 文 逐 步 口 譯 |
Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會 版權所有 |
Childhood 童年 |
Adulthood, Ĥadijah 成年,赫蒂佳 |
Became Prophet 成為先知 |
First Few Days after Becoming Prophet 成為先知後的頭幾天 |
The Earliest Joiners of Islam 伊斯蘭最早的加入者 |
Spreading Islam to His Relatives 向他的親戚傳佈伊斯蘭 |
Spreading Islam Everywhere 四處傳佈伊斯蘭 |
Dar Al-Arqam (the House for Dawaa) 達爾·阿爾卡姆(傳道之屋) |
The Siege 圍困事件 |
The Death of Ĥadijah and Abu Talib 赫蒂佳與阿布·塔里歸真 |
Why the Companions Were Patient 先知的友伴們何以能堅忍不拔 |
The Trip to Al-Taif 塔以夫之行 |
Back to Mecca from Al-Taif 從塔以夫返回麥加 |
Al-Israa and Al-Myrag 夜行與登霄 |
After Al-Israa and Al-Myrag 夜行與登霄後 |
Spreading Islam to Medina 伊斯蘭傳佈到麥地那 |
The Immigration of Muslims to Medina 穆斯林遷徙至麥地那 |
Prophet Muhammad to Medina 先知穆罕默德到麥地那 |
Life in Medina 麥地那的生活 |
The Battle of Bader 白德爾之戰 |
Life after the Battle of Bader 白德爾之戰過後的生活 |
The Battle of Ohod 歐侯德之戰 |
Life after the Battle of Ohod 歐侯德之戰過後的生活 |
The Battle of Al-Ĥandaq (Trench) 韓達克之戰(壕溝) |
The Strength of Muslims 穆斯林的能耐 |
Back to Mecca and Al-Hudaybiya Agreement 回到麥加與胡代比亞協議 |
Life after Al-Hudaybiya Agreement 胡代比亞協議時期的生活 |
The Battle of Hunain 胡耐因之戰 |