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Qurān Chapter 111   The Neck Strap of Fire in Hell


Ālmasad اَلْمَسَدْ

بِسْمِ اَللهِ اَلْرَّحْمَنِ اَلْرَّحِيْمْ

Bis Mil La Hir Raḧ Ma Nir Ra Ḧiym

In the name of Āllah, whose grace covers everything and everyone in this life for always, the One who is sending His mercy on Judgment Day to His believers.

謹奉  阿拉尊名,  祂恩典澤被萬事萬物於此生恆常不變在審判日仁慈以待信仰 祂的人

تَبَّت يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ وَ تَب

Tab Bat Ya Da Ābi La Ha Ben Wa Tab

1. The hands of Ābu Lahab have been ruined as well as himself.

1. 阿布拉哈的雙手已被熔毀,全身其他部位也一樣;

مَا أغنَى عَنهُ مَالُهُ وَ مَا كَسَب

Ma Āg Na Ân Hu Ma Lu Hu Wa Ma Ka Sab

2. All his money, kids and what he gained could never have saved him.

2. 他所有金錢、兒女和得到的一切永遠也救不了他。

سَيَصلَى نَارَاً ذَاتَ لَهَب

Sa Yaŝ La Na Ran Ṯha Ta La Hab

3. He will be put in an extraordinary fierce fire.

3. 他會置身猛火烈焰中,

وَإمرَأتُهُ حَمَّالَةَ اَلحَطَب

Wam Ra Ā Tu Hu Ḧam Ma La Tal Ḧa Ḏab

4. And his wife, who used to carry firewood [to block prophet Muhammad’s door],

4. 而他的妻子,從前總是搬運薪柴[去阻擋先知穆罕默德的家門]

فِي جِيدِهَا حَبلٌ مِن مَسَد

Fiy Jiy Di Ha Ḧab Lum Mim Ma Sad

5. will get a strap of fire around her neck.

5. 現在會在頸部套上一條火項圈。