Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會 版權所有 |
فَجْرْ Fajr |
Dawn 黎明(晨禮) |
Dawn to sunrise 破曉至日出 |
2 Rakâāt 2拜 |
ظُهْرْ Ṱhuhr |
Noon 中午(晌禮) |
Sun on mid top of sky to at 45° from the horizon 日正當中至太陽與地平線呈45°角 |
4 Rakâāt 4拜 |
عَصْرْ Âŝr |
Afternoon 下午(晡禮) |
Sun at 45° from the horizon to sunset 太陽與地平線呈45°角至日落 |
4 Rakâāt 4拜 |
مَغْرِبْ Magrib |
Sunset 日落(昏禮) |
Sunset to complete darkness 日落至完全天黑 |
3 Rakâāt 3拜 |
عِشَاْءْ Îshaā |
Night 夜晚(宵禮) |
Complete darkness to dawn 完全天黑至破曉 |
4 Rakâāt 4拜 |
Stand recite Qurān Chapter 1 [In Rakâāt 1~2, recite a small chapter of Qurān after reciting Chapter 1 ] |
Stand-bow (Rukuwâ) recite 3 times Sub Ḧa Na Rab Bi Ya Lâ Ṱhiym (Praise my Lord the greatest.) 鞠躬 唸三次 Sub Ḧa Na Rab Bi Ya Lâ Ṱhiym (讚頌我最偉大的 主。) [recite standing] Sa Miâ La Hu Li Man Ḧa Mi Dah (Āllah is listening and accepting those who are thanking Him.) [站直唸]Sa Miâ La Hu Li Man Ḧa Mi Dah ( 阿拉正在聆聽且接納感恩 祂的人。) |
Kneel-bow (Sujuwd) recite 3 times Sub Ḧa Na Rab Bi Yal Āâla (Praise my Lord the highest.) After reciting, kneel-sit. Then kneel-bow and recite 3 times. 叩頭 唸三次 Sub Ḧa Na Rab Bi Yal Āâla (讚頌我最崇高的 主。)唸完跪坐後,再叩頭唸三次。 |
Kneel-sit and witness (Tashahud) [Rakâāt 2 and 4; Rakâāt 3 in Magrib] 跪坐唸作證詞 [第二、四拜以及昏禮第三拜] |
Before and between each move, say Āllahuākbar (Exception: between the two moves of Stand-bow). After finishing all steps, keep kneel-sitting and turn head to the right saying Ās Salamu Âlaykom Waraḧmatul Lah, then to the left saying it again. 每個動作之前及之間要說Āllahuākbar (例外: 鞠躬二個動作之間不用)。完成所有步驟後持續跪坐,頭轉右說Ās Salamu Âlaykom Waraḧmatul Lah,再轉左說一遍。 |