Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會 版權所有 |
公告日期2016年11月15日 Announced on November 15, 2016.
伊斯蘭對台灣同性婚姻和多元成家立法的看法 Islamic Opinion about the Legalization of Same-sex Marriage and Multiple-Person Marriage
獨一的造物主—— 阿拉教導我們生活上的一切事物,伊斯蘭不只是一個專注於崇拜的宗教,更是一套完整的生活方式。造物主教導我們如何去生活,且如何去對待穆斯林、非穆斯林和所有造物, 祂命令我們必須主動關切所有與人性和大地有關的一切事務。 The sole Creator, Allah, is teaching us everything related to life. Islam is not only a religion of worshiping, but also a method of life. The Creator teaches us how to live, to deal with Muslims, Non-Muslims, and all the other things. Allah is ordering us to be involved in everything related to humanity and the earth.
A part of Taiwan society is astray maybe because of past trauma, yet instead of seeking help to resolve their traumas, they are trying to steer all the Taiwan society into their own way, and to solve the problems by justifying the problems, to cure the disease by accepting that it is not a disease.
Allah says in Chapter 49 Verse 13, “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another.”
Sodomy in Islam is prohibited and the punishment for those who commit this crime is clear in Quran, Allah says in Chapter 11 Verses 82-83, “So when Our command came, We made the city upside down and rained upon them firing stones, which were marked with names from your Lord. And Allah's punishment is very easy to reach those wrongdoers.” This is about the story of Lut, whose people were committing sodomy, and all the sinners and those who supported, accepted, or kept silent toward this sin were ended up in total destruction, while those who tried to guide them to the right path or those who disagreed with them in action or in words were saved from this punishment. This is a clear punishment for those who commit this crime and also for those who accepts this to happen, moreover, it is for those who do not at least announce that they do not accept it to happen. Dear brothers and sisters, This is a call for all of you in all of Taiwan regardless who agrees on our ideas and who do not, regardless who is supporting us or not, this is an issue that we all need to forget about all other disagreements between us and work together on this issue. It is a responsibility on our shoulders and we need to stand up and say NO in front of those who are asking for passing the law of legalizing same-sex marriage and multiple-person marriage in Taiwan. Otherwise, we will all be included in the punishment from Allah if this law passes and if Taiwan becomes a land of supporting such big sin to happen. 要記得 阿拉在第16章第90節說:「 阿拉的確命令我們要行使正義、善行和接濟親屬,且禁止違反道德之事、惡事和壓迫, 祂如此警告你們,或許可以讓你們警醒。」 所有清真寺都應該涉入這項議題,所有教長都應該盡速行動,所有領導人和決策者都應該公開發言,台灣所有穆斯林都要站出來說不。 All mosques should be involved, all Imams should act fast, all leaders and decision makers should speak out, and all Muslims in Taiwan should stand up and say NO to this issue. We are raising this issue according to the teachings of Islam neither to enhance the oppositions in the society, or to discriminate or reject those who support these laws to be legalized, but to call for your attention according to the law of Nature, the essence of humanity, and the long existing social problems to recognize the nature of the problems existing in the society and to solve the problems wisely from the root instead of changing the whole society to adapt to these problems.
最後,大家要知道,伊斯蘭沒有任何禁忌的問題,所有問題都有解決之道、所有問題都有答案,任何人需要我們提供更多這方面的知識與訊息,以更了解 阿拉對這項議題的律法和規定以及造物主對整個宇宙的規範,隨時歡迎與我們聯繫。 Finally! Everyone should know that in Islam we have solutions for everything and every issue, and there is no prohibited question nor question without answer in Islam. So for those who need our help based on the rules and laws of Allah regarding this issue, we are ready to offer the answers to all the questions based on Islam and the law of the Creator of the whole universe. |