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公告日期2022年1月6日 Announced on January 6, 2022. 台銀行員稱本會台銀帳戶被標註為高風險帳戶 One Teller from Bank of Taiwan Saying IAT Accounts in BOT Being Marked As High-Risk Accounts
本會員工於2021年12月16日至台灣銀行花蓮分行提領現金時,被行員告知本會帳戶被標註為高風險帳戶,故去函詢問相關單位請求解釋。(函一) One IAT staff went to BOT Hualien Branch to withdraw cash on Dec. 16, 2021. The teller in charge told the staff that IAT accounts have been marked as high-risk accounts. So IAT sent an official letter to related departments demanding an explanation, 經與花蓮分行魏襄理、北花蓮分行黃襄理和林經理以及總行蕭襄理多方交涉後,得以下結論,茲供穆斯林及關心此事之教外人士參考。(北花蓮分行回覆如函二、總行回覆如函三) After talking to three deputy managers and one manager from two branches and the headquarter of BOT, we have come up with the conclusions as follows for Muslims and those who care about this issue for reference. 1. 據北花蓮分行林經理口述,銀行帳戶風險等級皆由電腦系統自動評定,非人為操控,美國銀行於制定評定標準扮演重要角色,本會理事長為敘利亞籍穆斯林,或許影響評定結果。 According to Manager Lin of North-Hualien Branch, all bank accounts are ranked automatically by the computer system, where no one can put a hand on it directly. American banks are playing a crucial role in regulating the measures. IAT chairman is originally from Syria, which may affect the result of ranking. 2. 據總行蕭襄理口述,台灣所有宗教團體無論宮廟、寺院或教會,皆被評定為同風險等級,基於法令規定,不得對外洩漏,花蓮分行行員口頭告知本會帳戶為高風險帳戶,確有疏失,且強調該行員對高風險用詞認知有誤。 According to Deputy Manger Hsiao, all religion groups in Taiwan, no matter Daoism, Buddhism, Christianity, or Islam, are ranked the same risk level. It is not allowed to disclose the risk level to anyone according to the regulations. There is an obvious mistake for the teller to tell IAT that its accounts are marked high risk, and she stated that his conception of “high risk” is mistaken. 3. 上述四位銀行主管皆表示,銀行員工皆承擔極高風險,近年不乏銀行被罰款或行員被告判賠等案件,銀行要求行員詢問客戶金流乃自保之通則,非質疑或歧視。 According to four of them, all bank staffs are undertaking great risks. There are numerous cases relating to lawsuit and penalty in recent years. It is a general self-protective guideline rather than questioning or discriminating that bank tellers inquire their customers about the payment flow. 據悉,特定國籍穆斯林配偶(例如:巴基斯坦、敘利亞等)於取得台灣居留證後,即受警局外事課列管且每三個月被訪視調查,即使放棄原有國籍、取得台灣身分證、有正當職業、在台定居超過二十年且無任何案底,亦無法從此名單移除,此乃外籍穆斯林配偶在台灣感受自己為次等公民之一隅。 As far as we know, Muslim spouses of some nationalities (eg. Pakistan, Syria, etc.) are listed by police bureau and visited and interrogated every three months after they get Taiwan ARC. Even if someone who has given up his nationality, obtained Taiwan ID, possessed a proper job, and resided in Taiwan for over twenty years with no criminal records cannot be removed from this list. This contributes only a small part to foreign Muslim spouses’ feeling of being second-class citizens in Taiwan. 當今全球穆斯林人口粗估為十八億,伊斯蘭國全盛時期聖戰士人數為十萬左右、塔利班三十萬左右,約占全球總穆斯林人口0.0002%,媒體渲染已造成穆斯林或多或少感覺被歧視或質疑,如若加上政府莫須有的列管和類似此銀行事件,難保不會觸動穆斯林長久蓄積的不平而引發或大或小的衝突。 Current global Muslim population is roughly estimated as 1.8 billions; meanwhile, the number of ISIS warriors at its peak is around 100,000 and Taliban 300,000, which contributes only 0.0002% to the whole population of Muslims. Little or more, Muslims can feel discriminated or doubted thanks to the exaggerations of media. On top of that, being listed by the government along with incidents similar to this bank issue, it cannot be guaranteed that the accumulated bitterness shall not result in real conflicts, big or small. 呼籲台灣政府審視上述列管措施並檢討其他相關政策,莫以友好穆斯林之新南向政策為名,行私下監控穆斯林之實,加深穆斯林在台灣生活的心理壓力。 We here call the attention of Taiwan government to review the measures of listing Muslims as well as other strategies related. We do hope that it is not waving the flag of Muslim-Friendly New Southbound Policy while monitoring Muslims privately, which can deepen the psychological pressures of Muslims in Taiwan. |