Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會 版權所有 |
Conducted in English with Chinese Consecutive Interpreting. 英 文 講 解 中 文 逐 步 口 譯 |
正直 Righteousness |
合教法的收入 Halal income |
伊斯蘭經濟 Economy in Islam |
禮拜 Praying |
禮拜的好處 Benefits from praying |
智慧 Wisdom |
智慧的等級與種類 Levels and kinds of wisdom |
天課 Zakat |
朝覲的倫理 Ethics of Hajj |
伊斯蘭的吉哈德 Jihad in Islam |
何謂合教法、何謂不合教法 What is Halal and what is Haram |
行善與止惡 Enjoining good deeds and forbidding bad deeds |
伊斯蘭對嫉妒的看法 Envy from the viewpoint of Islam |
忍耐 Patience |
伊斯蘭對誠實的要求 Honesty in Islam |
崇拜時的真誠 Sincerity in worshiping |
孝順父母 Obeying the parents |
穆斯林對彼此的責任 Responsibilities between Muslims |