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Memorabilia of Donation for people in Ghouta, Damascus, Syria


Announced on February 22, 2018


URGENT!!! Donate for people in Ghouta, Damascus, Syria



香港地區欲捐款者請直接以E-mail: 與本會聯繫。

We have received a latest news this afternoon from Muslim brothers in Syria that people in Ghouta District, suburb of Damascus in Syria, have become hostages because of the fight between the government army and the rebel army. People in Ghouta nowadays are suffering from extremities of food shortage and freezing weather. There are people dying everyday because of hunger or coldness. IAT hereby calls for Muslims in Taiwan and the general public in Taiwan who care about Syrian refugees to offer their helping hands. Even NT$10 can do help to the people in Ghouta. IAT shall send all the donation by the end of this month (February 28) from Hong Kong to Syria thru an effective way for the Muslim volunteers to receive in Damascus. They shall be in charge of purchasing food and clothes and send the materials into Ghouta for the hostages to use via effective ways. The way of donation is as follows:

People who want to donate in Hong Kong please contact us thru e-mail:




Announced on March 1, 2018


IAT has sent totally USD5,900 (after deduction of transfer fee) to Syria today. The sum of donation from Taiwan and Hong Kong is around NTD189,000.


Announced on March 7, 2018






March 3, Syrian volunteers received money.


March 5, Purchase of supplies.


March 6, supplies delivered to Ghouta.


Picture on the right: Kids in Ghouta holding the signboard thanking Taiwan and Hong Kong for giving them food and warmth. The supplies include blankets, bread, vegetables, and diesel for heaters. They are planning to slaughter some sheep and distribute them to the people next day.


The picture below: The houses after bombing.

Oval Callout: 志工合力趕工製作的捲餅
Sandwich made by the volunteers.
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