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敘利亞大馬士革古塔區難民募款大事記 Memorabilia of Donation for people in Ghouta, Damascus, Syria 公告日期2018年2月22日 Announced on February 22, 2018 急!急!急!為敘利亞大馬士革古塔區難民募款 URGENT!!! Donate for people in Ghouta, Damascus, Syria
今天下午接獲敘利亞穆斯林弟兄傳來訊息,現在位於敘利亞大馬士革市郊的古塔區居民,因為政府軍和叛軍之間的角力而被圍困成人質,當地居民正面臨挨餓受凍的極度困境,此時正值寒冬之際,每天都有人因寒冷飢餓而凍死或餓死,本會在此呼籲台灣穆斯林和關心敘利亞境內難民的善心人士,請伸出您的援手,即使新台幣十塊錢也可以幫得上忙,本會預計於月底(2月28日)將所有善款藉由香港特殊管道匯至敘利亞境內,由大馬士革穆斯林志工負責購買食物和衣物,再設法買通管道運至古塔區內給難民使用。捐款方式如下: 香港地區欲捐款者請直接以E-mail: 與本會聯繫。 We have received a latest news this afternoon from Muslim brothers in Syria that people in Ghouta District, suburb of Damascus in Syria, have become hostages because of the fight between the government army and the rebel army. People in Ghouta nowadays are suffering from extremities of food shortage and freezing weather. There are people dying everyday because of hunger or coldness. IAT hereby calls for Muslims in Taiwan and the general public in Taiwan who care about Syrian refugees to offer their helping hands. Even NT$10 can do help to the people in Ghouta. IAT shall send all the donation by the end of this month (February 28) from Hong Kong to Syria thru an effective way for the Muslim volunteers to receive in Damascus. They shall be in charge of purchasing food and clothes and send the materials into Ghouta for the hostages to use via effective ways. The way of donation is as follows: People who want to donate in Hong Kong please contact us thru e-mail:
公告日期2018年3月1日 Announced on March 1, 2018 台灣伊斯蘭協會已於今日將捐助敘利亞古塔區善款匯至敘利亞境內,扣除匯費共計5,900美元,台灣和香港捐款總計大約新台幣189,000元。 IAT has sent totally USD5,900 (after deduction of transfer fee) to Syria today. The sum of donation from Taiwan and Hong Kong is around NTD189,000. 公告日期2018年3月7日 Announced on March 7, 2018
3月3日敘利亞境內志工收到善款 March 3, Syrian volunteers received money. 3月5日採購物資 March 5, Purchase of supplies. 3月6日運送物資至古塔區 March 6, supplies delivered to Ghouta. 右圖為古塔區孩童坐在物資中間舉牌感謝台灣和香港為他們帶來食物和溫暖,物資內容有毯子、烤餅、蔬菜和暖氣煤油等。預計隔日會宰殺幾隻綿羊發放給難民補充營養。 Picture on the right: Kids in Ghouta holding the signboard thanking Taiwan and Hong Kong for giving them food and warmth. The supplies include blankets, bread, vegetables, and diesel for heaters. They are planning to slaughter some sheep and distribute them to the people next day. 下圖為被炸毀的房子。 The picture below: The houses after bombing. |