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公告日期2017年11月3日 Announced on November 3, 2017. 台大批踢踢網路霸凌穆斯林協調座談會 Coordination Meeting regarding Internet bullying Muslims on NTU PTT
11月3日上午九點於國會辦公室由教育部、法務部、國家通訊傳播委員會、內政部警政署、國立台灣大學、及台灣伊斯蘭協會針對台大批踢踢網站集體霸凌穆斯林事件舉行協調座談會,得出以下三個結論: 一、建請台灣大學加強PTT(批踢踢實業坊)各站長、版主之相關法制教育及「臺灣學術網路規範」、「BBS站使用公約」的落實。 1. We suggest that NTU improve the education on the directors and managers of PTT about law and implement “Taiwan Academic Internet Regulations” and “BBS User Convention.” 二、針對本案,建請台灣大學針對陳情人士反應之各版論壇對於穆斯林誣衊之言論、依規定做適當之處置,並建議在PTT(批踢踢實業坊)網站入口處刊登相關啟事,以化解站內不當言論對於穆斯林之傷害。 2. Regarding this issue, we suggest that NTU take proper actions according to the regulations to handle the slanders against Muslims and that declarations be posted on the entrances of PTT websites to resolve the hurts on Muslims by the improper words on those webistes. 三、若陳情人選擇循法律途徑提出告訴,建請警政署及法務部依法提供協助及偵辦。 3. If Muslims choose to resort to legal procedures, we suggest that Police Agency and Ministry of Law offer their help on investigating and the related procedures. |