Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會  版權所有

Islamic Association of Taiwan
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Halal Zone
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About Us
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Social Service

¨ 本會針對各公私立機關單位提供伊斯蘭演講或課程服務   

     IAT offers the service of Islamic lectures/courses to all kinds of public/private organizations/units.

    講題任選 Suggested Topics

1. 伊斯蘭文化  Islamic Culture

2. 伊斯蘭歷史  Islamic History

3. 伊斯蘭飲食  Islamic Diet

4. 伊斯蘭旅遊  Islamic Traveling

5. 伊斯蘭經濟  Islamic Economy

6. 伊斯蘭婦女 Women in Islam

7. 伊斯蘭與科學  Islam and Science

8. 伊斯蘭與恐怖主義 Islam and Terrorism

9. 伊斯蘭殯葬禮儀及生死觀 Islamic Funeral Rituals and Philosophy of Life and Death

10. 伊斯蘭與其他宗教的關係 The Relation between Islam and Other Religions


You can make your own topics also.

洽詢方式 Contact us

電子信箱 E-mail:  

電話 Tel.: 03-857 6489

Text Box: 伊斯蘭課程安排 / 演講邀請
Arrangement for Islamic Courses / Invitation for Lectures 
Text Box: 課程活動Course/Activity