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Islamic Guidelines of Halal Food

一、 除了伊斯蘭載明之違反教法的食物以外,其它所有食物都是合乎教法的清真食品

I. All kinds of food are Halal except what is mentioned as Haram.

     阿拉在《古蘭經》第2章第172節說:「你們信仰的人啊!如果你們真的在崇拜  阿拉的話,就要吃那些  祂所為你們準備的美好食物,並心存感激。」

      Allah says in Chapter 2 Verse 172, “O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if you are really worshipping Him.”

     祂在第5章第4節說:「他們問你(穆罕默德)什麼是合乎教法的食物,你要說:『合乎教法的食物就是美好的食物,以及  阿拉教你如何訓練動物以幫你獵捕到的食物,因此,吃那些牠們所為你獵捕到的食物,並且在吃之前誦唸  阿拉尊名,要敬畏  阿拉。』  阿拉的清算真的很迅速。」

       And He says in Chapter 5 Verse 4, “They ask you Muhammad what has been made lawful for them. Say, ‘Lawful for you are good food and game caught by what you have trained of hunting animals which you train as Allah has taught you. So eat of what they catch for you, and mention the name of Allah upon it, and fear Allah.’ Indeed, Allah is swift in account.”

     祂在第6章第145節說:「你要說:『從降示給我的東西裡面,我從來沒有看見任何禁止食用的東西,除非是自行死亡的動物或流出的血,以及豬肉──它真的是不純潔的東西,還有那些沒有服從  阿拉、非誦  祂尊名而宰殺的動物。但假使因為被迫而必須食用──他既不樂意吃下去也沒有逾越尺度的話,誠然,你的  主是充滿寬恕與慈憫的。』」

     And He says in Chapter 6 Verse 145, “Say, ‘I do not find within that which was revealed to me anything forbidden to one who would eat it unless it be a dead animal or blood spilled out or the flesh of swine, for indeed, it is impure, or it be that slaughtered in disobedience, dedicated to other than Allah. But whoever is forced by necessity, neither desiring it nor transgressing its limit, then indeed, your Lord is Forgiving and Merciful.’"


     From those three verses, we can know that every good and healthy food is Halal, therefore whoever says that this food or that item is Haram, he should give us the proof from Quran or Hadith that it is Haram.


    II. Pork and pork products, animals killed or dead without being slaughtered in Islamic way, alcohol and all what cause liquor, any food that is clearly cause damages to the body, are all Haram.

       阿拉在《古蘭經》第5章第3節說:「禁止你們食用的東西包括自行死亡的動物、血、豬肉、非誦  阿拉尊名而宰殺的動物、被勒斃或重擊或頭墜地或被角牴死之動物、被野生動物啃食過的動物──除非你能在牠死亡前宰殺牠、以及在神壇石上宰殺的供品。除此之外,禁止你們射箭求籤,那是深重的罪惡」

       Allah says in Chapter 5 Verse 3, “Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah, and those animals killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you are able to slaughter before its death, and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and prohibited is that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience.”

     阿拉在第5章第90節說:「你們這些信仰者啊!有毒物品(任何會產生酒精的東西)、賭博、在神壇石上為  阿拉以外的對象而宰殺的供品、以及射箭求籤都是撒旦用來汙染你們的詭計,所以你們要避而遠之,才能得到勝利。」

     And Allah says in Chapter 5 Verse 90, “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants (whatever cause liquor), gambling, sacrificing on stone alters to other than Allah, and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.”


III. All kinds of seafood are Halal regardless other issues.

     阿拉允許我們吃所有海鮮且不帶任何特殊條件,  祂在第5章第96節說:「你在海洋捕獲的食物都是合教法的食物,這是給你們和旅行者的給養,唯獨在朝覲或副朝時禁止獵捕陸生動物。要敬畏  阿拉,你們將被聚集在  祂那裏。」

     Allah gives us an exception of eating some animals and those are seafood in general without any details as He says in Chapter 5 Verse 96, “Lawful to you is game from the sea and its food as provision for you and the travelers, but forbidden to you is game from the land as long as you are in the state of ihram. And fear Allah to whom you will be gathered.”


     From this verse, we can see that all seafood is ok for Muslims to eat no matter how was it captured, how was it killed and by who, and regardless the shape or name of this seafood.


IV. Never say Haram about something you are not sure it is Haram simply because you don’t want to say Halal. Say “I don’t know” is the best answer.


     We also need to know that same as how it is Haram to eat or drink Haram things, it is also Haram to consider Halal thing as Haram and it is clear in Quran.

          阿拉在第5章第87節說:「你們這些信仰者啊!不要禁止人們享用  阿拉所賜予你們合乎教法的美好事物,且不要逾越尺度,  阿拉真的不喜歡逾越尺度的人。」

     Allah says in Chapter 5 Verse 87, “O you who have believed, do not prohibit the good things which Allah has made lawful to you and do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.”

          阿拉在第7章第32節說:「你要說:『誰在禁止人們享用  阿拉為  祂僕人所創造的美好服飾以及所提供的合法美食?』你要說:『那些是為世上的信仰者所準備,且讓他們在復活日獨享。」因此,我將這些經文詳述給能領會的人聽。」

     And He says in Chapter 7 Verse 32, “Say, ‘Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has produced for His servants and the good lawful things of provision?’ Say, ‘They are for those who believe during the worldly life but exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection.’ Thus do We detail the verses for a people who know.”


Common mistakes some organizations do regarding issuing Halal certificates


It is ok for factories or restaurants which have idols inside for worshipping to have Halal certificate because it is their own beliefs and is not our business. Therefore we can issue them Halal certificates as long as they fit the requirements of Halal based on the issues mentioned above.


Halal food such as vegetables, fruits, seafood, and Halal meat are ok for us to eat even if others already used them for worshipping. The thoughts and beliefs of others will not be able to change the reality of the Halal food.


We have what we call ISTIHALA, which is when a Haram thing is chemically changed into something else. So in Islam, we care about the result. If a Haram thing is changed into something else, such as wine changed into vinegar, then it is ok to be used if the result at the end is something not Haram.

Text Box: 清真專區Halal Zone
Text Box: حلال