清真餐廳訊息回報 >>> 投訴信箱 >>> admin@iat.org.tw Halal restaurant information report >>> Write a complaint >>> admin@iat.org.tw |
Copyright © Islamic Association of Taiwan. All rights reserved . 台灣伊斯蘭協會 版權所有 |
台灣清真餐廳 Taiwan Halal Restaurants |
全清真餐廳 All Halal (AH) |
有清真標章者為本會認證之全清真餐廳。其餘為未獲得本會認證之清真餐廳。 Those with Halal Logo are IAT certified All Halal Restaurants. Others are Halal restaurants not certified by IAT. |
附設清真專區餐廳的廚房管理者(廚師)和餐廳管理者(外場經理)皆受過清真教育訓練,所有食材、器具、烹飪和服務流程皆受到本會輔導與認可。只要到餐廳跟服務員說你是穆斯林要清真餐點,他們就會拿清真菜單給你看,有點餐系統的餐廳皆已輸入清真餐點,所以廚房師傅那裏也會非常清楚收到清真點單,隨時可以出菜,不用事先預約。 Halal Corner Included restaurants already have their chefs and managers received Halal operation training. All the materials, utensils, culinary operation, and service procedures have been advised and recognized by IAT. Just tell the receptionist that you are Muslims, and they shall give you Halal Menu. Restaurants with POS systems have input Halal menu in them also, so the kitchen will get the Halal order clearly, where you can make orders without reservation. 本會認證之餐廳皆有良好職業道德,清真肉品供應完不會拿非清真肉品來充數,為避免某些清真肉品庫存用完,去之前先詢問一下才能確保清真菜單上的餐點都能供應。當然,如果要訂以桌數計算的清真團餐的話,勢必要事先預約。 IAT certified restaurants have good professional ethics, so they will not serve you non-Halal meat when Halal meats are out of stock. In order to enjoy all kinds of Halal meat, it is highly recommended that you make a booking beforehand in case some meats are out of stock. If you are going to order a banquet (group meal), it is mandatary to book a table earlier. |
嘉義附設清真專區之餐飲旅宿 Chiayi Halal Corner Included Restaurants & Accommodations |
嘉 義 Chiayi |
05 276 5985 |
嘉義市東洋新村240號 No. 240, East District, Chiayi City |
旅館 Hotel |
清真下午茶 Halal Afternoon Tea |
05-2290102 |
600嘉義市蘭井街465號14樓之1號 14F-1, No.465, LanJing St., West Dist., ChiaYi City, Taiwan 600 |